Why Physiotherapy is Important in Sports
- Posted by First Choice Health
- On August 1, 2019
Sports and physiotherapy go hand in hand, and there’s much room for cooperation between trainers, physiotherapists, and athletes. Many sports clubs and gyms maintain a relationship with a sports physiotherapist that includes group sessions or one-on-one appointments, and for good reason. Physiotherapy is one of the best fields for treating and helping prevent sports injuries.
You’ve surely noticed doctors and sports physiotherapists checking over injured athletes on the sidelines during big matches. However, you don’t need to be a professional athlete to benefit from the care of a physiotherapist. Our physiotherapists have worked with amateur and elite level sports clubs including the Monash Roaders Cricket Club and the Victorian Junior Softball Team, and we’ve also provided injury screenings and information sessions at the Fit N Fast gym in Forest Hill. In this post, we’ll outline the ways in which your athletic practice can benefit from physiotherapy.
Physio for Sports Injuries
Physiotherapists are experts at dealing with sports injuries, as this is the most common way in which they work with athletes. Athletes are susceptible to both acute and overuse injuries. Depending on the injury, physiotherapy might be the first course of action or it might be a follow up to first care or surgery. A physiotherapist can diagnose sports injuries, offer a collaborative consultation and prescribe a course of action that will usually include a variety of exercises. A physiotherapist’s goal is to speed up healing and to help clients find their way back in action as quickly as possible.
By prescribing different exercises, physiotherapists also help athletes maintain their physical fitness during the healing process. For athletes, physio is not just about getting to the same level of fitness as before the injury; it’s about achieving optimal fitness. Once an athlete has recovered, they can apply what they learned during their physiotherapy sessions to optimise their training, improve their skills, and prevent injury. If you’re dealing with a sports injury, schedule your appointment directly with us or ask your doctor for a referral.
Physio as Part of An Athletic Practice
We believe that it’s better to prevent injury in the first place, and sports physio can definitely be part of that. One way in which physiotherapists like us collaborate with sports clubs and athletes is in the lead up to a season. A sports physiotherapy session either with the whole team or one on one can boost athletic performance and reduce injuries.
Having a player out for a few days or weeks because of an injury can seriously impact the whole team, so practicing safe training habits is critical to the performance of a sports club. A physiotherapist can examine the workout style and gait of athletes and demonstrate how to make changes that will prevent injury and ensure a more effective workout.
Sports Physiotherapy for Different Athletes
There is an inherent level of injury risk in the vast majority of athletic pursuits, so everyone can benefit from a session with a sports physiotherapist. Weekend warriors and professional athletes alike can find themselves put out of commission for a few weeks or months and in need of physio rehabilitation.
Whether you workout at a gym just to maintain your own fitness or are part of a local team or club, physiotherapy can help. Physiotherapists are often athletes or former athletes themselves, but that doesn’t mean they have to be familiar with a particular sport in order to treat an athlete. By observing the patient and asking questions, physiotherapists can still give valuable advice.
If you’re an athlete wanting to improve your workout or prevent injury, or if you represent a sports club and would like to help your team stay healthy while succeeding, get in touch with us!